KLA Academic Members,
For those of you looking to get more involved in an international organization,
SLA has just launched an Academic Division. SLA is a terrific organization for specialized subject information and is known for its excellent networking opportunities. Now SLA will also offer more programming and counterpart discussions of interest to academic librarians from all subject disciplines. SLA membership includes one division affiliation and one chapter affiliation at no additional cost (incidentally, the
Kentucky Chapter is a very active and fun chapter).
The Academic Division is in the early formation stages, and we need your input to make this division the best it can be in serving the needs of academic members of SLA. We will have a round table session at the
Annual Conference in Washington D.C. to solicit your input. If you aren't going to the conference but have ideas for the division, send them to
jrfoster@tamu.edu. We'll take them with us to the conference and add them to the discussion.
By joining with other academic information professionals, we can help each other succeed in the academic environment.
Visit the SLA website for more information about joining.