Tuesday, July 11, 2017

ALADN 2019 Host City Search

Is your institution interested in making a proposal to host a future ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network) Conference? This is a great opportunity to showcase your city and host a valuable conference on library development.

ALADN has created a more formal structure to help potential hosting institutions understand and anticipate the responsibilities that come along with hosting the conference and to select future sites. The ALADN Site Selection Committee works with institutions that would like to host an upcoming conference.

If your institution or a group of institutions would like to be considered as a host for an ALADN conference, please click here to apply. A proposal should consider:
  • Travel time and expense for attendees to the conference city/host location;
  • Your ability to negotiate and contract with a local hotel for a room block, meeting rooms, and meals;
  • Your institution's ability to manage registration payments and hotel and restaurant invoices (including any alcohol served);
  • Vendor sponsorship solicitations;
  • Staffing to lead local hosting needs (registration desk, restaurant and meal negotiation, giveaways, accommodations for speakers, etc.)

For more information, please see:  http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/aladn/hosting.htm


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